DT1 Manual > Music > Percussive Timbre Asignment

Percussive Timbre Asignment

When you click the button labeled Timbre ... in the percussion tab in the Sound tab in the Parameter Settings window, the window entitled Allocation of Percussion Timbres appears on the screen as shown in the right figure. You can asign timbres of percussive instruments for the percussionist agents. As similarly to the case of melodists, mixing ratio between primary and secondary timbres is determined proportionally to the strength of reaction for detected motion. It plays only the secondary timbres if it detects no motion.

The percussionist agents are divided into a number of groups, and agents belonging to the same group are asigned with the same timbre set. The field labeled Number of Groups is to indicate how many groups the agnets are divided into. Each timbres set for group is ordered, and this sequence is corresponding to the vertical position of the agent.

You can add one or more timbres from the names of timbres listed in the left column by drag & drop operation. The names of timbres are categorized into several types. If you drag & drop a name of category, all of timbres under it are added in the oder of listed. If you select the listed names, the button with speaker icon at the upper row of the window is enabled to examine the sound.

To eliminate timbres asigned in a group, click the name of timbre to switch it to be selected and then click the delete button at the right side of top row of the window. Double-click operation cancels the selection of timbres. If you click more than one timbre names, all of them are selected. Be careful by seeing which timbres are selected before click the delete button. Any undo mechanism to recover eliminated timbre names is not implemented in the current version.

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