SimEpidemic1: Release Notes
- June 7, 2022; Version 1.9.2:
New features, Help and Regular meetings, are being added, but not completed yet.
The simlution is based on the model 1.9.2.
- January 15, 2022; Version 1.9.1:
The target operating system has changed to macOS 11 and later.
It's in a form of Universal Binary including machine codes for both M1 and Intel CPUs.
Users are allowed to setup lists of virus variants and vaccines.
New types of statistics panels were implemented to show
the time sequence of severity distribution among the quarantined patients, and
the time sequence of distribution on infected variants among the quarantined patients.
The simlution is based on the model 1.9.1.
- January 21, 2021; Version 1.8.1:
As a parameter to initialize the world settings, the number of infected individuals
can be sepcified by the ratio in the population instead of the absolute number.
The ratio of recovered inidividuals can also be specified.
New parameters were added to specify the ratio of quarantine
for each asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals.
A new parameter that indicates a distribution of inidividual activeness was introduced
in order to make each inidividual has its characteristics on
mass, mobility frequency, gathering participation, incubation period, fatality period,
recovery, and immunity.
The mobility frequency was changed to be specified by a distribution
instead of a single proberbility.
The reproduction rate per day was added as one of indexes shown in a statistics panel.
- December 7, 2020; Version 1.7.3:
Bug fixes. Improved the performance by revising the thread parallelism.
A new parameter of maximum speed for individual movement was introduced.
The friction increases inside of gathering area.
You can add comments for the condition items in scenario.
They are shown in a statistic panel along the time sequence.
You can specify the elapsed time to gradually change the parameter value in the scenario.
A new functionality was added to save and copy parameter values and scenario in a JSON form in order to cooperate with alternative version that works as an HTTP server we are developing.
- October 11, 2020; Version 1.7:
Bug fixes. Probabilistic occurrence of gatherings was implemented.
You can observe infection clusters by crowded gatherings.
Three parameters, mass, friction, and collision avoidance, got adjustable.
- August 25, 2020; Version 1.6.1:
Bug fixes. The process of contact tracing was parallelized.
- July 31, 2020; Version 1.6:
A new functionality was implemented
to indicate the number of days to stop the simulation process.
Eliminated the contacts from Tests parameter panel to specify it only as Measures parameter.
Revised the panel of indexes for time evolution in the statistics panel so as to add
two new features; the test positive rate, and the moving average by indicating the window
width of 2 to the power of 0, 1, ..., 6.
Added two new indexes for condition in scenario, weekly test positive and its rate.
- July 11, 2020; Version 1.5: Tests and Contact Tracing were implemented.
Quarantine is applied when the test result is positive.
The parameter panel was changed so that the parameters are placed in the different tabs based on the type.
- July 3, 2020; Version 1.4: Scenario format was changed. Files in the old format are loadable.
Added a new scenario element that moves to another element when a condition satisfied.
The scenario phases are represented by background colors in time evolution view in a statistics window.
Some light bugs were fixed.
- June 23, 2020; Version 1.3: Fixed bugs on GUI of the parameter panel.
Added a new functionality to change the opacity of parameter panel and scenario panel.
Changed as the Remove button in the scenario panel removes the scenario from simulator.
Resigned the initial statistics window attached with a newly opened simulator window.
Enabled to load parameters and scenario from a document file.
- June 16, 2020: Version 1.2, Added a new functionality to allow the user to change
how many steps it skips to draw animation frames, in order to reduce the running time.
Added dynamic tics on the horizontal axis of statistics window.
United the statistics window for time evolution.
Changed the parameters for probability distribution as minimum, maximum and mode values.
The file format to save the parameters has changed, therefore it's incompatible with the previous versions.
- June 8, 2020; Version 1.1: Japanese language supported.
- June 1, 2020: The first release.