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There are two sites you can drop a dragged file icon to load a movie. One is the icon of application module in a Finder window or Dock. Another one is the summary image and the text field for movie filename in a document window. The operation onto the application icon launches the software if it is not running. If it is running, the movie is assigned to the current active document. If there is no document openned, it makes a new document with the dropped movie.
You can also start dragging a movie icon from a movie monitoring window of this software. It would be useful when you want to summarize a movie in a number of different formats.
The movie item shown in a window of iPhoto is also able to be dragged to load it, but a similar operation does not work on Photos application. You can copy the movie file of the item shown in Photos window by dropping it on the desktop or another Finder window, then it can be dragged and be dropped onto this application.
Clicking the button labelled Load Movie... under the toolbar of a document window, or selecting the item of the same label from File menu in the menu bar, a panel sheet to select a movie file appears. The object movie is replaced by the one newly selected.
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