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Build Summary Image

A summary image is a grid containing a number of frames extracted from the video track of the object movie. The parameters for builing the summary image can be specified using the Settings Drawer and items in the tool bar. You can display the Settings Drawer by clicking Show Setting item in the tool bar. It also changes the item's name into Hide Setting at same time. Clicking a toolbar item labelled Build Image, or selecting an item Build from Summary menu in the menu bar, a summary image is built according to the parameters listed below.


  1. Grid specifies the numbers of columns and rows. The popup menu buttons at the fifth row allow you to choose the direction of arrangement. You can choose one of the eight types of arrangement orders.
  2. Cell Size specifies the size of each cell by the number of pixels for width and height. When one of width and height is specified, the other one is automatically calculated so that the aspect ratio is equal to that of video frame if target movie was specified.
  3. Cell Scale specifies the scale for each frame on the built image relative to the actual size of the video frame. You can enlarge the image by specifying a value larger than 100%.
  4. Space specifies the number of pixels between the frame images in the summary image. If the check box labelled Outer frame is checked, the same width of spaces surrounding the summary image are attached.
  5. Caption can be superimposed for each frame as sequence numbers or time. You can specify the font and color using a font panel that appears when you click the Font toolbar item or select Font... menu item in Summary menu in the menu bar.
When one of the three parameters; width and height of cell size, and cell scale, is specified, the other two parameters are automatically calculated. When the frame size of newly loaded movie is different from old one, the height of cell size is fixed and the others are adjusted if needed.


You can select the way to determine the interval for extracting frame images from four alternatives, Start to end, By frames, By seconds, and Custom. The pop up menu button at the second row from the bottom of the settings drawer allows you to make choice.

Start to end
Frame images are extracted from the video track from the start time to the end time in even time span. The default values are beginning and ending of the movie. You can set them by clicking buttons in the settings drawer labelled with → Start and → End. These operation copies the current time value. If the pasteboard contains a single frame image, you can paste the frame time with pressing option key during clicking one of these buttons. You can also set these time values by the context menu of the summary image.

By frames
Consecutive frames are extracted in every indicated numbers until the grid is filled up. The starting point of extraction is the frame shown in the movie window. If it reaches the end of the movie before all of the cells in the grid is filled, the cells in the rest part are filled with the final frame of the movie or transparent images.

By seconds
Consecutive frames are extracted in every indicated interval until the grid is filled up. You can set the interval by seconds with 1/100 second in the minimum unit. The starting point of extraction is the frame shown in the movie window. If it reaches the end of the movie before all of the cells in the grid is filled, the cells in the rest part are filled with the final frame of the movie or transparent images.

Once a summary image was built, the sequence of time stamps is recorded. You can reuse this sequence by selecting this mode after you built a summary image before you load another movie. It is also possible to alternate the time stamp for each cell in a summary image by replacing the frame image with the current frame shown in the movie window. You can do this operation using the context menu on the view of summary image. If the time stamp is out of the movie's duration, the cell is filled with the final frame of the movie or a transparent image.

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