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Operations on Summary Image

The following mouse operations are available for the summary image.

Move to the frame

By clicking a cell of the summary image, the frame shown in the movie window moves to the frame drawn in the cell.


By moving the mouse by keeping the mouse button pressed over the summary image, you can drag the image data to drop it onto another application that accepts it. If you are pressing a shift-key during dragging, the cell image is dragged instead of the summary image.

Context menu

You can use a context menu by clicking on the summary image during pressing control key (or clicking the right button if your mouse has it), that contains the following items.
  1. Copy Image: Copies the image data drawn in the summary image into the pasteboard.
  2. Copy Frame Image: Copies the image data of pointed cell into the pasteboard.
  3. Copy Frame Time: Copies the time of pointed cell into the pasteboard. You can patse it to Start time and End time.
  4. Move To Frame: Moves to the frame drawn in the cell, as same as the case of clicking the cell.
  5. Replace Frame: Replaces the cell image by the frame currently shown in the movie window.
  6. As Starting Time: Sets the Start time to the time of the cell.
  7. As Ending Time: Sets the End time to the time of the cell.
  8. Expand Row (or Column): Expands the row into two rows. A new frame image in the middle time for each span of original frame images is added, and the number of rows increases by one. If the primary direction of the grid is vertical, the column is expanded instead of the row.
  9. Unify Two Rows (or Columns): Unifies the row with the row below it into a single row. If the row is the lowest in the summary image, it is unified with the row above it. The frame images of even numbers are omitted, and the number of rows decreases by one. If the primary direction of the grid is vertical, the columns are unified instead of the rows.
  10. Remove Row (or Column): Removes one row that includes the frame pointed. f the primary direction of the grid is vertical, one column is removed nstead of a row.
  11. Export Interval: Exports the interval time between the frame and its next one as the interval parameter that will be applied to build a summary image by constant interval time in seconds.

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